Henry Smith MP has given his support to Every Man Remembered, a Royal British Legion campaign, to keep alive the memory of those who fell during the First World War.
Henry said;
“This week marks the half-way point between the hundredth anniversary of the start of the First World War, and Armistice Day in November. It is so important that we remember the sacrifice of those gave their lives for our freedom.
“Every Man Remembered is asking people across our country to pay tribute to each and every one of the 1,117,077 women and men from the Commonwealth who died during the Great War.”
The campaign is being run with the support of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), and aims to inspire people to commemorate an individual who fell during the war, either with a personal connection, or not.
By entering your name and town, the Every Man Remembered database will connect people with fallen service men or women from the First World War, finding someone in their family, or who shares their name, age, workplace, birthday or hometown. They can then be commemorated with a personal dedication and, by making a donation to The Royal British Legion, will receive a special commemorative certificate.
The campaign also incorporates Every Woman Remembered, dedicated to the 800 women in the records of the CWGC who died in the First World War.
Henry continued;
“I look forward to paying my respects to our local heroes at the annual service of Remembrance at St John the Baptist's Church in Crawley. I hope you will be able to join us.”
For more information on the Royal British Legion’s Every Man Remembered campaign, please visit www.everymanremembered.org. The website of the Royal British Legion is www.britishlegion.org.uk