Henry Smith MP has welcomed an announcement from the Department of Health & Social Care that two suicide prevention groups providing support in Sussex are set to receive a funding boost from the Government’s Suicide Prevention Grant Fund.
Active Prospects, which operates mainly in West Sussex and Surrey, is to receive £105,800.
Aspens Charities, which work in Sussex and Kent, is to be awarded £150,000.
Henry said;
“Every suicide is a tragedy with lasting impacts and it’s right for Government to work to reduce the number of suicides that take place.
“The work of the voluntary sector is vital in this and I welcome more than £250,000 in funding support announced for groups operating in Sussex.”
The Department of Health & Social Care launched the Suicide Prevention Grant Fund in August 2023 to support voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in delivering suicide prevention activity in England.
The objectives of the Grant Fund were to; support non-profit organisations configure their suicide prevention services and activities to better meet increased demand, and to support a range of diverse and innovative activity that can prevent suicides both at a national and community level.
The grant funding will support delivery against the Government’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England which was published last September. The strategy sets the clear ambition to reduce the suicide rate over the next five years, with initial reductions observed in half this time.
A total of 79 organisations in England have been awarded funding from the scheme, with funding allocations provisional with any potential changes expected to be minor.
The commitment is part of Government’s plan to make health and care services faster, simpler and fairer.
It builds upon the record sums of money invested to transform and expand NHS mental health services as well as the successes of a previous fund of £5.4 million in 2021-22. That fund supported over 100 voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations with overwhelmingly positive results, including helping to address demand after the Covid-19 pandemic, improving access to services, and helping identify those in need quicker, with more targeted and person-centred provision. The Department of Health & Social Care anticipates this Grant Fund delivering similar results.