House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee member, Henry Smith MP, has welcomed the body launching a new Sub-Committee which will scrutinise the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office’s (FCDO) management of relations with the UK’s Overseas Territories.
Henry said;
“As a long-time champion of this country’s Overseas Territories I’ve been keen for the Foreign Affairs Committee to take a closer look at how Britain manages relations with them.
“Many of those descended from people born in the British Indian Ocean Territory have chosen to make Crawley their home.
“All of our Overseas Territories have an important role to play and it’s right that we’re enhancing parliamentary scrutiny of Government in this area.
“Earlier this year in the House of Commons I highlighted how we need far greater recognition in terms of how Parliament scrutinises policy towards the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, as well as how they’re represented in the UK’s legislature.”
The 14 UK Overseas Territories have a total population of around 270,000 people, most of whom are British citizens. Most Territories have elected assemblies and their own constitution.
Each Territory has a UK Government-appointed Governor, who generally holds responsibility for managing external affairs, defence and internal security, and often the power to make or veto laws.
The FCDO is the lead department for Overseas Territories and the new Sub-Committee will examine how the department manages its relationships with Overseas Territories. Members of the Sub-Committee will be asking how the Government is performing against its priorities outlined in its 2012 Overseas Territories Strategy.
The Sub-Committee will hold evidence sessions, approximately every two months, focusing on either an Overseas Territory or a cross-cutting theme and its first formal session was held today.