Henry Smith MP attended the parliamentary launch of Mencap’s 'Hear My Voice' campaign, which looks to empower people with a learning disability to ensure their voices are heard ahead of the General Election next year.
Henry said;
“It was great to be at the launch of Mencap’s Hear My Voice campaign. It is vital that the views of people with learning disabilities, and their families, are heard in the run-up to next year’s election, and beyond.
“When I was chair of the West Sussex Learning Disabilities Partnership Board our aim was to try to better understand the needs individuals and their families, so it is a natural for me that this work is built on to help ensure people with learning disabilities are listened to and respected through manifestos, campaigns and elections.
“I want to be as accessible and accommodating as possible to everyone in Crawley. If I can ever provide assistance to individuals with learning disabilities, or their families, please do not hesitate to call my office on 01293 934554, email me directly via [email protected], or write to me at Henry Smith MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA or stop me when I'm out and about.”
For more on the Hear My Voice campaign, please visit www.hear-my-voice.co.uk. To see Henry’s page on the Hear My Voice website, please see www.hear-my-voice.org.uk/listening/mr-henry-smith
Picture: Henry meeting David, a campaigner with a learning disability who is involved in the Hear My Voice campaign