Crawley MP, Henry Smith, has pledged his backing to the National Osteoporosis Society’s public campaign called STOP AT ONE to raise awareness of the link between fractures and bone fragility.
Henry commented:
“The campaign’s central message is simple: If you’re over 50 years of age and have broken a bone following low trauma, seek information from the Charity’s website and/or talk to your GP about a bone check.
“With new research showing that a fifth of women had fractured three or more bones before they received an osteoporosis diagnosis, the STOP AT ONE campaign will target primarily women aged 50-70 and include a mix of advertising and consumer media.”
Responding to concerns raised by Henry Smith MP, the Health Minister, Earl Howe, commented:
“Responsibility for determining the overall national approach to improving clinical outcomes from healthcare services, including fracture liaison services (FLS), lies with NHS England.
“NHS England is aware that the provision of FLS is not uniform across the country and is working with clinical commissioning groups to support them to develop appropriate local services. It will be for the National Clinical Director for Major Trauma, Chris Moran, working with the National Osteoporosis Society, to consider how to further promote best practice and treatment.”
The STOP AT ONE campaign runs alongside the charity’s on-going campaign for Fracture Liaison Services to be linked to every hospital in the UK. Fragility fracture patients should be assessed via Fracture Liaison Services. Where these do not exist, and for long-term management of osteoporosis, GPs play a vital role in ensuring that patients are diagnosed and treated promptly.
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